Winter Jasmine: Manchuria’s Remembrance Flower
作者:源克己(MINAMOTO Katsumi)
Winter Jasmine is an important cultural symbol of Manchukuo. In today’s Manchuria Restoration Movement, Winter Jasmine is a cultural symbol of Manchuria Restoration martyrs. In a word, Winter Jasmine is the Manchurian equivalent to the Remembrance Poppy of Commonwealth Nations.
Winter Jasmine has three significances.
Firstly, Winter Jasmine is the cultural symbol of Manchuria’s Nation Founding Spirits: Kingly Way (王道)& Concordia (協和).
There had been plenty of outstanding films and songs in Manchukuo, such as the song Manshuumusume (満洲娘:まんしゅうむすめ) and the film Inchunhowa (迎春花:インチュンホワ), having Winter Jasmine as an important image. All these art works have reflected the Nation Founding Spirits of Manchuria. Using the Winter Jasmine to symbolize the martyrs of Manchuria Restoration declares that the Restoration of Manchuria is simply to restore the old good.
Secondly, spring is the season of Manchukuo’s Nation Founding (1932.3.1) as well as the season of the beginning of actual operation of Manchuria’s Restoration Movement (2018.4). In Manchurian, Winter Jasmine is 迎春花, literally means the flower that welcomes the spring.
On March 1932, the modern Manchurian state: Manchukuo was founded. On April 1932, the predecessor of Concordia Association, which was Concordia Party, was founded in Mukden. On Apirl 2018, Concordia Association was restored from 1945 Downfall. On March 2019, Concordia Association of Manchuria was successfully registered in USA. On April 2019, the contemporary Manchurian youth firstly sacrificed for our motherland being arrested by Chinese. Therefore, using the Winter Jasmine to symbolize the fallen heroes of Manchuria Restoration commemorates their glorious contribution and sacrifice in Manchuria’s spring, forever and ever.
Thirdly, the Winter Jasmine blossoms in the late winter. It is the first flower that blossoms in the spring. Nowadays, China is about to face his sentence of justice from the civilized world. Manchuria’s Restoration and Revival is just like the spring, which always comes and will come. The Winter Jasmine is here to symbolize the inevitable restoration and revival of Manchuria.
復國英烈用他們的犧牲,為滿洲復國開闢新局面,如同迎春花,在寒風中盛開,歡迎春天的來到 — — 因為他們知道,冬天將來過去,春天很快來臨!
Manchurian soldiers, officers, and pioneers; Manchurian the brave, the tough, and the dead; they have contributed to our country, using their own sacrifices, to initiate a new stage of Manchuria Restoration, just like the Winter Jasmines, who blossoms in the strong wind of winter and welcomes the spring. They know, the winter will be gone, the spring is gonna come, soon!
#LestWeForget #建國忠靈祭