[2018.5.20]協和會墻内會員被捕後表達免責集體聲明 The Collective Declaration of Invalidation of Expression for the Members of Concordia Association of Manchuria under Detainment
20 May, Kangte (Kokutoku) 85
[20 May, 2018]
In view of the danger of the participation of Manchuria Restoration Movement, all the Members, who reside in the area that People’s Republic of China has de facto control, or who travel to the area that People’s Republic of China has de facto control, or who enter the area that People’s Republic of China has de facto control based on any reason, shall collectively declare that:
Once detained, all the expression under the detainment by People’s Republic of China, shall be invalidated! All the valid expression, shall be only limited to the expression before detainment!
More Content, please read the following Official Magazine of Concordia Association of Manchuria [Issue 2019.5]